For every Eidul-Fitr since 2016, we have opened our home to Muslims, who would have otherwise been alone. In 2023, thanks to the generosity of people and companies we were able to host around 100 people in a “Bring and Braai” format. People of all ages, nationalities and cultures came together and celebrated together. This year we have decided to do a braai/picnic format outside to allow for more people to join us. Bring yourself, your family, food, a chair or blanket and come and make new friends. The men will probably hover around the braai and the children will run around and play. We will aim to provide some entertainment in terms of games/jumping castle, etc. Last year the ladies did an amazing job of organizing all the food for buffet while connecting with each other.

What time should we attend?
Arrive from 11:30am, especially those assisting. We will aim to eat at 1pm
What can I bring in terms of food?
Anything that is Halaal and Tayyib (pure and good). Please indicate on the RSVP form which can be obtained by contacting us. Please note that chicken takes a while to cook so we suggest pre-cooked chicken. We will supply additional meat and wors in shaa Allah.
What is this setup on the day?
Due to weather we will probably be having it at our home with a marquee for the ladies. Men will be braai ng and we have a nice big garage to host them. There will be some games for the children as well
Dress code?
Please dress appropriately as per Islamic norms. Bring something warm.
Can we pray there?
The earth is a masjid. Bring your musallah.
What can the kids do?
Games, Jumping Castle, play area (if available) etc.
How can I help?
Help with your time setting up or braaiing, your logistic skills, party packs for the kids, table and chair, food, drink, tongs, charcoal, tables (for the buffet) etc. See the RSVP form available which can be sent to you.
What is the address?
Final location will be announced in the WhatsApp group. We are looking at the southern suburbs or cape flats. In the event of rain, it will be moved to our home in Thornton with a marquee.
Contact us: See Poster Above
Eid-Fitr 2023 Highlights
Alhamdulillah we had a most amazing day. We cannot express our gratitude enough to our sponsors, volunteers, donors, guests and most of all Allahu ta’aala.
Honestly, the pics do not do justice to how many people there were. Our guests consisted of Kenyans, Moroccans, Mauritians, Rwandans, Australians, Indians, Ugandans, and people from across our rainbow nation. We had reverts, travelers, families and others that might have otherwise been alone. The men braai’ed, the children played and the women organised everything so well before sitting down to eat while a fire kept them warm. A lovely day had by all